Mortal Kombat X Update 18/04/2015 (c) Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
04/2015 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Steam
- :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Action
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Note: Check the included .txt for a list of what's new. DLCs that are out
now were included.
About This Game Who's Next? Experience the Next Generation of the #1 Fighting
Franchise.Mortal Kombat X combines unparalleled, cinematic presentation with
all new gameplay. For the first time, players can choose from multiple
variations of each character impacting both strategy and fighting style.
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1. Unrar.
2. Install the update. Required: Mortal.Kombat.X.Proper-RELOADED
3. Run the patcher afterwards, and wait.
4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory to your game
install directory.
5. Play the game.
6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
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